The author of the article seeks to demonstrate that often the escalation of ethno-political conflict has an irrational and emotional basis, which lies in cultural stereotypes, unsatisfied (imaginary and real) interests, historical grievances, mythologized representations of the parties about each other, etc. In turn, the rejection of the serious conflict of any dissent by the parties leads to a dualistic view of the world, which is divided into absolute good and absolute evil, which causes even more rigid opposition media «higher truth» and those who oppose its implementation. Precisely because of this excessive emotional component of the actualized ethnic identity, ethno-political conflicts are characterized by a high degree of irrationality, expressed in a huge potential of aggression, hatred and hostility, far beyond the rational awareness of the interests of the participants in the conflict and the choice of interaction strategy.
Translated title of the contributionIrrational of the escalation of ethno-political conflicts
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationПолитическое пространство и социальное время: Глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы
Subtitle of host publicationСборник научных трудов XХХVII Международного Харакского форума
Place of PublicationСимферополь
PublisherИТ "АРИАЛ"
ISBN (Print)978-5-907376-88-5 (т. 1), 978-5-907376-87-8
StatePublished - 2021
EventXXXVII международный Харакский форума «Политическое пространство и социальное время: глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы» - Симферополь, Russian Federation
Duration: 5 Nov 20207 Nov 2020


ConferenceXXXVII международный Харакский форума «Политическое пространство и социальное время: глобальные вызовы и цивилизационные ответы»
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Internet address

    Research areas

  • ethno-political conflict, ethnic and national identity, nationalism, irrationalism, escalation

ID: 76775601