In psychology the events of human way-life are integrated the social-psychological phenomena. Social-psychological phenomena makes up collective experience of humanity, completes the system of views on objective world [1]. In the study, we rely on the concept of S. Moskovichi. S. Moskovichi defined social representations as a specific form of everyday knowledge, the way of practical thinking. Such a practical knowledge is aim to commune, to understand and realize the environment. The goal of our study is to exanimate and to compare the structure of social representation of betray of people of different age. The research considers the description of objective process of social representation about betray. The article is contains the description of investigation of «betrayal response». The results of studying of the structure of the concept of social representation of betray is the method of inventory of this concept. We definite betrayas aratio-emotional part of complex psychological phenomena demonstrated in interpersonal relationships and an important deliberate act of regulation of pro-social behavior.