In this article, we consider the problem of the mobile app development which allows a choice to be made from several alternatives based on user preferences. The axiomatic choice theory developed by V.D. Noghin and O.V. Baskov is utilized as a mathematical foundation for our solution. After introducing all necessary concepts and definitions, we move on to the main theorem which allows us to take user preferences into account. We then proceed to construct an algorithm based on the proof of that theorem and discuss how it is implemented in the application. The conclusion contains some potential future research topics in this field.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)304-310
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • axiomatic approach, choice, development, mobile application, preferences, аксиоматический подход, выбор, мобильное приложение, предпочтения, разработка

ID: 78458020