The article analyzes the concept of "Hero, Heroism" on the basis of
the Serbian and Russian languages. In comparing the linguistic material of two closely
related languages, similarities and differences in the understanding of this concept and
ideas about a heroic person at the linguocultural level are revealed.
Translated title of the contributionAbout the concepts of Heroism in Slavic languages: Russian and Serbian parallels
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationЭтнопедагогический ежегодник
Subtitle of host publicationсборник научных статей. Выпуск 14
Place of PublicationЧебоксары
PublisherЧувашский государственный педагогический университет им.И.Я.Яковлева
ISBN (Print)978-5-88297-722-0
StatePublished - 2023

    Research areas

  • serbian language, Russian language, linguoculturology, etymology, concept ‘Hero, Heroism’

ID: 107023666