The subject of this research is the Chinese percpetion of the concept of 'soft power' offered by Joseph Nye. The object of the research is the Chinese approach to the government's soft power as an important element of the national public diplomacy strategy. The researcher pays much attention to the evoluation of Chinese perception of external political activity and underlines that PRC adapts the concept of soft power and uses it not only as an tool to develop positive foreign image but also as the means of ensuring domestic stability and legitimacy. In his research Danilov has followed the most important principles of historical science such as the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, the author has also applied the interdisciplinary approach. Based on the research results, the author concludes that projecting cultural and economic dimensions of soft power on foreign community, China emphasizes the succession of tradition and pays special attention to the development of the education and scie
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)74-80
JournalМеждународные отношения
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • "harmonious world" concept, "soft power", china, Confucius Institute, cultural cooperation, dialogue of civilizations, Joseph Nye, One Belt, One Road Initiative, peaceful development, public diplomacy, гармоничный мир, Джозеф Най, диалог цивилизаций, институт Конфуция, китай, культурное сотрудничество, мирное развитие, мягкая сила, новый шелковый путь, публичная дипломатия

ID: 78404103