A small-sized high-precision time and frequency storage unit has been developed to build time-frequency support systems in space rocket complexes. The basis is a mathematical model of the formation and storage of the time scale, taking into account the noise flicker component. A scale model of a high-precision frequency-time support system has been created, providing network-centric control of the grouping of robotic objects. The developed software and algorithmic support is the basis for constructing a system time scale of a mobile ground-based automated control complex for small spacecraft.

Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationК.Э. Циолковский. История и совремнность
Subtitle of host publicationМатериалы 57-х Научных чтений, посвященных разработке научного наследия и развитию идей К.Э. Циолковского. Часть 1
Place of PublicationКалуга
PublisherИП Стрельцов Илья Анатольевич
ISBN (Print)9785907460836
StatePublished - 2022
EventК.Э. Циолковский. История и совремнность : 57-е научные чтения - Калуга, Russian Federation
Duration: 20 Sep 202222 Sep 2022


ConferenceК.Э. Циолковский. История и совремнность
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

ID: 106360253