Philosophical understanding claims to universality. Meaning, understanding, sense-formation are fundamentally human characteristics of being as a meaningful picture of the world. Sense-formation is realized always from a certain position, from a certain point of view. Therefore, it is always personal, communicative and socially representable. In this regard, the concepts and practices of philosophical sense-formation, proposed and implemented by Michael Epstein in a series of network projects and scientific monographs, as well as in the discussed article [Epstein 2019] are indicative. The author assesses the prospects of the modern philosophy of the digitizing era in the context proposed by M.N. Epstein "philosophy of synthesis". It is about philosophizing in the genre of projective dictionaries (philosophy, humanitarian knowledge in general). The projective dictionary appears as a single hypertext, which expands the scope of the conceptual integrity of the entire project. This approach realizes today's humanist position as potentiation of being, opening up new possibilities of culture. A projective dictionary, in essence, is a generative model that latently contains the energy of divergent vectors of further work, which can embody different concepts, protect different positions, but use a common terminological and conceptual resource.