The article deals with the problems of professional moral normativity in connection with the wide development of information and digital technologies. Their impact on significant changes in the life of contemporary society and individuals has created numerous moral risks. Their study and prevention is the subject of cyberethics, including in its understanding as professional ethics. The article notes that modern cyberethics is not only the expansion of the ethical sphere to new problems, but also the setting of tasks for rethinking some traditional ethical provisions. The focus of this study is on the transformation of subjectivity of professional moral normativity in cyberethics. These transformations occur in connection with the uncertainty of the moral agent. This uncertainty manifests itself both in relation to who the moral norms are addressed to, and in deciding who is the source of them (professional communities or state and political institutions).
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationМир человека: нормативное измерение - 7.0. Проблема обоснования норм в различных перспективах: от реализма до конструктивизма и трансцендентализма
Subtitle of host publicationСборник трудов международной научной конференции (Саратов, 7-9 июня 2021 г.)
Place of PublicationСаратов
PublisherСаратовская государственная юридическая академия
ISBN (Print)978-5-7924-1701-4
StatePublished - 2021
Event Мир человека: нормативное измерение - 7.0. Проблема обоснования норм в различных перспективах: от реализма до конструктивизма и трансцендентализма - Саратовский государственный университет, Саратов, Russian Federation
Duration: 7 Jun 20219 Jun 2021
Conference number: VII


Conference Мир человека: нормативное измерение - 7.0. Проблема обоснования норм в различных перспективах: от реализма до конструктивизма и трансцендентализма
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Philosophy

ID: 87958256