The Qur’än is in focus of many researchers as a crucial source of information, including its language. The aim of the study is to describe the morphology of the Qur’än language in comparison with the modern Arabic literature language, which requires a thorough and comprehensive analysis of its text. The available scientific literature describes the style and vocabulary of the Qur’än language in detail, while the morphological aspects are not fully studied. The complementary use of modern methods of automatic data processing and techniques of comparative historical linguistics allows not only getting an unbiased picture of the morphology of the classical Arabic language, but also provides the basis for further typological studies. A quantitative analysis of individual verbal word forms in the Qur’än text in comparison with similar models of the modern Arabic language demonstrates the predominance of archaic forms, which in this case are typical for Arabic dialects, both ancient and modern. The findings substantiate the need for extra insights into the language of the Arabian Peninsula during the emergence of Islam, including on the basis of the Qur’än studies.
Translated title of the contributionTHE LANGUAGE OF THE QUR’äN: VERB MORPHOLOGY
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)59-72
JournalВестник РФФИ. Гуманитарные и общественные науки
Issue number4(97)
StateAccepted/In press - 2019

    Research areas

  • LANGUAGE, morphology, QUR'äN, arabic language, ARABIA, TYPOLOGY, VERB PATTERNS

ID: 49592426