Subject of the analysis in the article is the liberal concept of tolerance, its strong and weak sides. In the center of this concept there is an idea of the tolerant state which has to limit it's own freedom to guarantee freedom of the citizens. According to the fundamental principles of liberalism the only cause of restriction of freedom may be that threatens freedom per se. Extrapolation of this principle to the sphere of religious life means that, first, the tolerant state has to guarantee freedom of conscience to all citizens, and secondly that freedom can be limited only when the lack of such restrictions threatens public order which guarantees providing freedom of conscience to all citizens. In article it is shown that the liberal concept of tolerance is based on the irrational precondition assuming that the question of what belief forms the basis of criticism of belief of other people intentionally remains without answer. In the article there is called into question the popular belief that the liberal
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationФилософия истории философии.
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • empire, liberalism, religion, tolerance, tradition, империя, либерализм, религия, толерантность, традиция

ID: 78595744