This article describes the main stages of life and state activity of E. F. Cankrin. This public official of the first half of the XIX century left a significant mark on Russian history, and made a certain contribution to the history of economic thought. Cankrin was also related to the history of Belarus, because for some time he lived on its territory and on his initiative a number of projects were implemented that had an impact on its economic development. Cankrin’s personality is also characterized by the fact that he was one of the few Russian bureaucrats engaged in scientific activities. He wrote a number of works on economic issues and public administration. From the point of view of his scientific worldview, he can be attributed to the supporters of the ideas of such a direction of economic thought as cameralism. In addition, in Cankrin’s work and writings, one can find ideas that, under certain assumptions, can be attributed to the concept of a socio-market economy, bearing in mind his desire to be guided in his activities not by market laws, but by state and social expediency.