
Как сделана «Глокая куздра». / Светозарова, Наталия Дмитриевна.

In: Русская речь, Vol. 2023, No. 6, 2023, p. 116-128.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review






title = "Как сделана «Глокая куздра»",
abstract = "The famous phrase of Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba “Glokaya kuzdra shteko budlanula bokra i kurdyachit bokrenka” is usually cited as an example illustrating the role of grammar, and in particular, endings, in understanding the meaning of a seemingly meaningless sequence of words. According to the publications of L. V. Uspensky, this is exactly how Shcherba himself interpreted it at his lecture on the Introduction to Linguistics. However, the amazing unanimity that Russian speakers, adults and children, show in understanding the phrase about kuzdra indicates that they react not only to endings, but also to word order, frequency of syntactic structures, phonetic and phonosemantic features of roots, that are based on some typical models of sentences and their constituent words in the Russian language. This little masterpiece of a great scientist is made in such a way that one simple sentence becomes a brilliant example of “negative linguistic material” and an illustration of a number of the most important linguistic patterns. The article discusses two variants of the famous pseudo-sentence, the potential possibilities of grammatical structures other than the most frequent, its semantic and phonetic structure and reception features. {\textcopyright} 2023 Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.",
keywords = "experiment in linguistics, grammar, L. V. Shcherba, negative linguistic material, phonetics, phonosemantics, pseudo-utterances",
author = "Светозарова, {Наталия Дмитриевна}",
note = "Export Date: 11 March 2024 Адрес для корреспонденции: Svetozarova, N.D.; Saint Petersburg State UniversityRussian Federation; эл. почта: Пристатейные ссылки: Andronikov, I. L., Kudmataya bokra (1981) A teper{\textquoteright} ob etom [And now about this], pp. 54-56. , Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., (In Russ); Apresyan, Yu. D., (1966) Idei i metody sovremennoi strukturnoi lingvistiki [Ideas and methods of modern structural linguistics], p. 300. , Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., р; Dvinyatin, F. N., The poetics of glokaya kuzdra, or Abstruse Shcherba Evraziiskoe prostranstvo: zvuk i slovo. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya, 3–6 sentyabrya 2000. Tezisy i materialy [Eurasian space: sound and word. International conference, September 3–6, 2000. Abstracts and materials], pp. 144-150. , Moscow, Kompozitor Publ., 2000, (In Russ); Dvinyatin, F. N., Abstruse Shcherba: on the poetics of the phrase about the Glokaya Kuzdra (2003) Evraziiskoe prostranstvo: Zvuk, slovo, obraz [Eurasian space: Sound, word, image], pp. 383-394. , Moscow, Yazyki Slavyanskoi Kul{\textquoteright}tury Publ., (In Russ); Eikhenbaum, B. M., How Gogol{\textquoteright}s “Overcoat” was made (1919) Poetika: Sborniki po teorii poeticheskogo yazyka [Poetics: Collections on the theory of poetic language], pp. 151-165. , Petrograd, (In Russ); Feshchenko, V. V., Linguistic anomalies of the Russian avant-garde in the focus of linguistic theories (2019) Trudy Instituta russkogo yazyka im. V. V. Vinogradova [Proceedings of the Institute of Russian Language by V. V. Vinogradov], 19, pp. 44-53. , Moscow, (In Russ); Gasparov, B. M., (1996) Yazyk, pamyat{\textquoteright}, obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushchestvovaniya [Language, memory, image. Linguistics of linguistic existence], p. 352. , Moscow, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie Publ., р; Kondratov, A. M., (1966) Zvuki i znaki [Sounds and signs], , Moscow, Znanie Publ., 210 р.; 2th edition, Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1978. 208; Leont{\textquoteright}ev, A. A., (1990) Puteshestvie po karte yazykov mira: Kniga dlya vneklassnogo chteniya uchashchikhsya 5–7 klassov srednei shkoly [Journey through the map of the world{\textquoteright}s languages: A book for extracurricular reading for students in grades 5–7 of secondary school], p. 143. , 2th edition. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ; Moiseev, A. I., Glokaya Kuzdra” by L. V. Shcherba (canonical text, variants and imitations) (1982) Problemy kompleksnogo analiza yazyka i rechi: mezhvuzovskii sbornik [Problems of complex analysis of language and speech: interuniversity collection], pp. 9-16. , [“]. Еd. by L. Bondarko. Leningrad, (In Russ); Yu, Norman B., Pseudoutterances as a linguistic phenomenon (based on Slavic languages) (2010) Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Ser. 9. Filologiya, (1), pp. 32-53. , (In Russ); Petrushevskaya, L. S., (2003) Dikie zhivotnye skazki. Morskie pomoinye rasskazy. Pus{\textquoteright}ki Byatye [Wild animal tales. Sea trash stories. Pusski Byatye], p. 304. , Moscow, Eksmo Publ., р; Rovenskii, Z., Uemov, A., Uemova, E., (1960) Mashina i mysl{\textquoteright} (fi losofskii ocherk o kibernetike) [Machine and thought (philosophical essay on cybernetics)], p. 144. , Moscow, Politizdat Publ., р; Shcherba, L. V., On the threefold aspect of linguistic phenomena and on an experiment in linguistics (1931) (1974) Yazykovaya sistema i rechevaya deyatel{\textquoteright}nost{\textquoteright} [Language system and speech behavior], pp. 24-39. , Leningrad, Nauka Publ., (In Russ); Svetozarova, N. D., In the footsteps of the “Glokaya Kuzdra”]. “Vpered i vverkh po lestnitse zvuchashchei (2023) Sbornik statei k 80-letiyu Ol{\textquoteright}gi Fedorovny Krivnovoi [“Forward and up the sounding staircase.” Collection of articles for the 80th anniversary of Olga Fedorovna Krivnova], pp. 227-239. , [Еds. by L. M. Zakharov, I. M. Kobozeva, A. E. Kostyuk, N. D. Svetozarova, Ks. P. Semenova. Moscow, Buki Vedi Publ., (In Russ); Uspenskii, L. V., Glokaya kuzdra (1936) Pioner, (4), pp. 103-104. , (In Russ); Uspenskii, L. V., (1954) Slovo o slovakh [A word about words], p. 296. , Moscow, Detgiz Publ., 1960; Uspenskii, B. A., (2007) Ego Loquens: Yazyk i kommunikativnoe prostranstvo [Ego Loquens: Language and communicative space], p. 320. , Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., р; Zhuravlev, A. P., (1991) Zvuk i smysl [Language and meaning], p. 160. , 2th edition. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ",
year = "2023",
doi = "10.31857/S013161170029360-5",
language = "русский",
volume = "2023",
pages = "116--128",
journal = "Русская речь",
issn = "0131-6117",
publisher = "Российская академия наук",
number = "6",




T1 - Как сделана «Глокая куздра»

AU - Светозарова, Наталия Дмитриевна

N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 Адрес для корреспонденции: Svetozarova, N.D.; Saint Petersburg State UniversityRussian Federation; эл. почта: Пристатейные ссылки: Andronikov, I. L., Kudmataya bokra (1981) A teper’ ob etom [And now about this], pp. 54-56. , Moscow, Soviet Writer Publ., (In Russ); Apresyan, Yu. D., (1966) Idei i metody sovremennoi strukturnoi lingvistiki [Ideas and methods of modern structural linguistics], p. 300. , Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ., р; Dvinyatin, F. N., The poetics of glokaya kuzdra, or Abstruse Shcherba Evraziiskoe prostranstvo: zvuk i slovo. Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya, 3–6 sentyabrya 2000. Tezisy i materialy [Eurasian space: sound and word. International conference, September 3–6, 2000. Abstracts and materials], pp. 144-150. , Moscow, Kompozitor Publ., 2000, (In Russ); Dvinyatin, F. N., Abstruse Shcherba: on the poetics of the phrase about the Glokaya Kuzdra (2003) Evraziiskoe prostranstvo: Zvuk, slovo, obraz [Eurasian space: Sound, word, image], pp. 383-394. , Moscow, Yazyki Slavyanskoi Kul’tury Publ., (In Russ); Eikhenbaum, B. M., How Gogol’s “Overcoat” was made (1919) Poetika: Sborniki po teorii poeticheskogo yazyka [Poetics: Collections on the theory of poetic language], pp. 151-165. , Petrograd, (In Russ); Feshchenko, V. V., Linguistic anomalies of the Russian avant-garde in the focus of linguistic theories (2019) Trudy Instituta russkogo yazyka im. V. V. Vinogradova [Proceedings of the Institute of Russian Language by V. V. Vinogradov], 19, pp. 44-53. , Moscow, (In Russ); Gasparov, B. M., (1996) Yazyk, pamyat’, obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushchestvovaniya [Language, memory, image. Linguistics of linguistic existence], p. 352. , Moscow, Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie Publ., р; Kondratov, A. M., (1966) Zvuki i znaki [Sounds and signs], , Moscow, Znanie Publ., 210 р.; 2th edition, Moscow, Znanie Publ., 1978. 208; Leont’ev, A. A., (1990) Puteshestvie po karte yazykov mira: Kniga dlya vneklassnogo chteniya uchashchikhsya 5–7 klassov srednei shkoly [Journey through the map of the world’s languages: A book for extracurricular reading for students in grades 5–7 of secondary school], p. 143. , 2th edition. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ; Moiseev, A. I., Glokaya Kuzdra” by L. V. Shcherba (canonical text, variants and imitations) (1982) Problemy kompleksnogo analiza yazyka i rechi: mezhvuzovskii sbornik [Problems of complex analysis of language and speech: interuniversity collection], pp. 9-16. , [“]. Еd. by L. Bondarko. Leningrad, (In Russ); Yu, Norman B., Pseudoutterances as a linguistic phenomenon (based on Slavic languages) (2010) Vestnik Moskovskogo un-ta. Ser. 9. Filologiya, (1), pp. 32-53. , (In Russ); Petrushevskaya, L. S., (2003) Dikie zhivotnye skazki. Morskie pomoinye rasskazy. Pus’ki Byatye [Wild animal tales. Sea trash stories. Pusski Byatye], p. 304. , Moscow, Eksmo Publ., р; Rovenskii, Z., Uemov, A., Uemova, E., (1960) Mashina i mysl’ (fi losofskii ocherk o kibernetike) [Machine and thought (philosophical essay on cybernetics)], p. 144. , Moscow, Politizdat Publ., р; Shcherba, L. V., On the threefold aspect of linguistic phenomena and on an experiment in linguistics (1931) (1974) Yazykovaya sistema i rechevaya deyatel’nost’ [Language system and speech behavior], pp. 24-39. , Leningrad, Nauka Publ., (In Russ); Svetozarova, N. D., In the footsteps of the “Glokaya Kuzdra”]. “Vpered i vverkh po lestnitse zvuchashchei (2023) Sbornik statei k 80-letiyu Ol’gi Fedorovny Krivnovoi [“Forward and up the sounding staircase.” Collection of articles for the 80th anniversary of Olga Fedorovna Krivnova], pp. 227-239. , [Еds. by L. M. Zakharov, I. M. Kobozeva, A. E. Kostyuk, N. D. Svetozarova, Ks. P. Semenova. Moscow, Buki Vedi Publ., (In Russ); Uspenskii, L. V., Glokaya kuzdra (1936) Pioner, (4), pp. 103-104. , (In Russ); Uspenskii, L. V., (1954) Slovo o slovakh [A word about words], p. 296. , Moscow, Detgiz Publ., 1960; Uspenskii, B. A., (2007) Ego Loquens: Yazyk i kommunikativnoe prostranstvo [Ego Loquens: Language and communicative space], p. 320. , Moscow, Russian State University for the Humanities Publ., р; Zhuravlev, A. P., (1991) Zvuk i smysl [Language and meaning], p. 160. , 2th edition. Moscow, Prosveshchenie Publ

PY - 2023

Y1 - 2023

N2 - The famous phrase of Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba “Glokaya kuzdra shteko budlanula bokra i kurdyachit bokrenka” is usually cited as an example illustrating the role of grammar, and in particular, endings, in understanding the meaning of a seemingly meaningless sequence of words. According to the publications of L. V. Uspensky, this is exactly how Shcherba himself interpreted it at his lecture on the Introduction to Linguistics. However, the amazing unanimity that Russian speakers, adults and children, show in understanding the phrase about kuzdra indicates that they react not only to endings, but also to word order, frequency of syntactic structures, phonetic and phonosemantic features of roots, that are based on some typical models of sentences and their constituent words in the Russian language. This little masterpiece of a great scientist is made in such a way that one simple sentence becomes a brilliant example of “negative linguistic material” and an illustration of a number of the most important linguistic patterns. The article discusses two variants of the famous pseudo-sentence, the potential possibilities of grammatical structures other than the most frequent, its semantic and phonetic structure and reception features. © 2023 Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

AB - The famous phrase of Lev Vladimirovich Shcherba “Glokaya kuzdra shteko budlanula bokra i kurdyachit bokrenka” is usually cited as an example illustrating the role of grammar, and in particular, endings, in understanding the meaning of a seemingly meaningless sequence of words. According to the publications of L. V. Uspensky, this is exactly how Shcherba himself interpreted it at his lecture on the Introduction to Linguistics. However, the amazing unanimity that Russian speakers, adults and children, show in understanding the phrase about kuzdra indicates that they react not only to endings, but also to word order, frequency of syntactic structures, phonetic and phonosemantic features of roots, that are based on some typical models of sentences and their constituent words in the Russian language. This little masterpiece of a great scientist is made in such a way that one simple sentence becomes a brilliant example of “negative linguistic material” and an illustration of a number of the most important linguistic patterns. The article discusses two variants of the famous pseudo-sentence, the potential possibilities of grammatical structures other than the most frequent, its semantic and phonetic structure and reception features. © 2023 Russian Academy of Sciences. All rights reserved.

KW - experiment in linguistics

KW - grammar

KW - L. V. Shcherba

KW - negative linguistic material

KW - phonetics

KW - phonosemantics

KW - pseudo-utterances

U2 - 10.31857/S013161170029360-5

DO - 10.31857/S013161170029360-5

M3 - статья

VL - 2023

SP - 116

EP - 128

JO - Русская речь

JF - Русская речь

SN - 0131-6117

IS - 6

ER -

ID: 116469649