In the process of development, the scientific (natural philosophy, Baconian) perception paradigm faces at least two cognitive limits, the first of which is due to insufficient dimension of human thinking, its inability to accommodate all scientific knowledge (Leibnitz limit), and the second is related to internal paradox and latent groundlessness of the paradigm itself.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)44-55
Issue number2 (160)
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • assembly, crisis of disciplinarity, Hodgson limit, Leibniz limit, paradox, science re-foundation, social system, thinking format, кризис дисциплинарности, парадокс, переоснование науки, предел Лейбница, предел Ходжсона, сборка, социосистема, формат мышления

ID: 78436798