One of the most difficult issues of international law (both public and private) is the conflict between the provisions of various international treaties. With the increasing number of international agreements and the level of details they contain, conflicts between them are becoming more numerous and diverse. Rules on the resolution of such conflicts are provided for in both international law and national legislation. In the legal system of the Russian Federation, the regulation of conflicts between international agreements is not always consistent. It is, therefore, proposed that special provisions regarding the matter be included in the Russian Federation Law “On International Treaties of the Russian Federation”. It is noted that the status of treaties concluded on behalf of the Eurasian Economic Union with third states be specifically addressed in the Russian Federation legal system.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)34-44
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • bilateral international treaty, collision (conflict) of international treaties, foreign law, international treaty, multilateral international treaty, private international law, public international law, двусторонний международный договор, иностранное право, конкуренция (конфликт)международных договоров, международное публичное право, международное частное право, международный договор, многосторонний международный договор

ID: 78472260