The article is devoted to the identification of signs of extremism in traditional and online media. Extremist text always uses destructive means to achieve political goals, seeking to justify destructive ideas, positions and actions. The main characteristic of this text is the exposure and reproof. Extremism is viewed as a set of specific social actions based on appropriate ideology and value system. In this regard, representatives of extremist movements in the axiological sphere are trying to manipulate the audience, reaching the values of displacements and deformations, adjusting semantic aspects of already existing concepts. This subconsciously prepares the base for suggestion of extreme views, devaluation of human and Christian values in particular, it becomes dangerous and leads to dehumanization. The authors have proposed some markers for detection of signs of extremism in the texts: 1) metaphor and evaluative statements, which express hatred, intolerance towards anything alien and unfamiliar; 2) expressions that degrade the dignity, including the use of profanity; 3) negative names of ethnic groups; 4) comparison of nations with inanimate objects or animals; 5) provocative judgments inciting the audience to action against the object of hostility or illegal actions. The main research results have been obtained during sociolinguistic analysis of political media texts on the basis of the Center of linguistic expertise at Saint Petersburg State University.