The second siege of Albazin was the most important military confrontation of Russian-Chinees conict in Amur region (1682-1689). Russian commanders Alexey Tolbuzin and Afanasiy Beiton managed to reinforce fortress. The garrison under their direction conducted successful sorties and caused considerable damage to the Manchu forces of commander Lantan'. Heroic defense of Albazin allowed Russian diplomats to start negotiation with China which nished as Nerchinsk Treaty in 1689.
Original languageRussian
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • A. Beiton, A. Tolbuzin, Albazin, Amur region, Nerchinsk treaty, Russian-Chinese conict, А. Бейтон, А. Толбузин, Албазин, Нерчинский договор, приамурье, русско-китайский конфликт

ID: 78628467