Meaning is one of the central concepts of humanities. Its analysis and application opens up the potential of interdisciplinary synthesis (convergence) of modern science. This potential is important for the development of not only philosophy, but also the entire humanities. The implementation of the described program of practical philosophy of meaning allowed introducing into the Russian philosophical discourse the problem of understanding reality by the logical and semantic rationale of practical thinking, the philosophy of the act as a sensible action, the metaphysics of freedom and responsibility, posthuman personality, analysis of cultural genesis and features of the Russian Soviet cultural experience, analysis of the ratio of rationality and efficiency, humanitarian expertise and sociocultural engineering, etc. The author believes that total digitization and the prospect of posthumanity are characteristic of modern times. Humanitarian expertise is becoming increasingly popular in these conditions. Humanitarian knowledge is necessary in scientific and technical developments, and traditional technological engineering is expanded to socio-cultural engineering. The semantic picture of the world is becoming increasingly operational and measurable, but dependent on the person and his goals.