The study of a changing person in a changing world continues to be the most urgent task of psychological science.
Many trends in changing the conditions of our life, which have existed for more than a decade are - the strengthening of the role of virtual reality in everyday life, an increase in the volume of online communication and a decrease in the volume of direct communication [Andreassen, Pallesen, Griffiths, 2016, etc.], the emergence of distance learning and activities online, etc. - were accelerated by the situation of a pandemic that changed the space of life of millions of people and revealed the psychological problems of human life in a changed world. The psychological literature notes the phenomenon of dissonance experienced by a person when perceiving the world around him and assessing his possibilities of integration into modern reality, designated as "anthropological gap", "contemporary syndrome", etc .; the dynamics of identity is described as a consequence of the rapid social changes of the postmodern era, which manifests itself in the “growing multiplicity and potentiality of various I-structures” [Belinskaya, 2015]; there are growing trends in the emergence of problems associated with the fear of "falling out" from social life ("fear of missing out") [Abigail, Kelsey, Mojisola, Jon, 2019; Buglass, Binder, Betts, 2017, etc.] and others. In these conditions, a person increasingly feels the need to build new ways of relations with the changed world, aimed at ensuring a sense of security in the face of his challenges, security, including the feeling its consonance with reality.
The relevance of the stated research topic is due to (1) the need for the theoretical development of ideas about the processes of personality changes in the face of challenges of modern reality and their correlation with the existing in personality psychology ideas about the fundamental processes of changes in psychological phenomenology, (2) the lack of the empirical data available in the psychological literature describing perception a person changes the life situation and the transformation of the living space and himself as a result of human interaction with the new realities of the surrounding world, (3) the need to compensate for the deficiency of existing in the psychology of personality ideas about the image of his future ("model of the required future") as a determinant of the process of self-change of personality; (4) the needs of practice in the provision of psychological assistance in the face of difficulties experienced by a person in the modern situation. Answers to the questions posed by psychologists can help in solving a number of socio-cultural tasks of human life that are facing society today.
The scientific significance of the proposed research is determined by the development of theoretical principles and research solutions in the field of studying psychological phenomenology associated with the processes of personality changes and self-changes; empirical verification of the procedural model of personality changes / self-changes associated with a changing life context; development of the concept of "possible self" as a factor goal-setting and the basis for the formation of a "model of the required future" in a situation of possible changes; development of the concept "image of a situation" as a space of possibilities and a factor of goal-setting in a situation of possible changes; description of stylistic features associated with human interaction in a changing reality.