1. 2025
  2. Optical coherence storage in dark exciton states using spin-dependent three-pulse photon echo

    Соловьев, И. А., Назаров, Р. С., Бутюгина, А. А., Капитонов, Ю. В., Югова, И. А., Ловцюс, В. А., Елисеев, С. А. & Ефимов, Ю. П., 16 Jan 2025, In: Physical Review B-Condensed Matter. 111, 4, 045423 .

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2024
  4. Spin-dependent photon echo for an ensemble of three-level systems

    Жиляков, В. Л. & Югова, И. А., 16 Mar 2024, In: St. Petersburg State Polytechnical University Journal: Physics and Mathematics. 1.1(72), p. 6-11

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  5. Long-lived photon echo induced by nuclear spin fluctuations in charged InGaAs quantum dots

    Трифонов, А. В., Югова, И. А., Kosarev, A. N., Бабенко, Я. А., Ludwig, A., Wieck, A. D., Yakovlev, D., Bayer, M. & Akimov, I. A., 17 Jan 2024, In: Physical Review B-Condensed Matter. 109, 4, L041406.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. 2023
  7. The modelling of coherent dynamics of excitons in a GaAs quantum well in the pump-probe experiment

    Югова, И. А., Султанов, О. Ш. & Михайлов, А. В., 30 Apr 2023, In: ST. PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY JOURNAL: PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS. 16, 1.3, p. 79-83 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  8. Mode locking of hole spin coherences in CsPb(Cl, Br)3 perovskite nanocrystals

    Kirstein, E., Kopteva, N. E., Yakovlev, D., Zhukov, E. A., Kolobkova, E. V., Kuznetsova, M. S., Belykh, V. V., Yugova, A., Glazov, M. M., Bayer, M. & Greilich, A., 8 Feb 2023, In: Nature Communications. 14, 1, 699.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. 2022

    Султанов, О. Ш. & Югова, И. А., 2 Dec 2022, Физика полупроводников и наноструктур, полупроводниковая опто - и наноэлектроника: тезисы докладов Всероссийской научной молодежной конференции. СПб: Издательство Санкт-Петербургского Государственного Политехнического Университета, 59

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference abstractspeer-review

  11. Extending the time of coherent optical response in ensemble of singly-charged InGaAs quantum dots

    Kosarev, A. N., Trifonov, A. V., Yugova, I. A., Yanibekov, I. I., Poltavtsev, S. V., Kamenskii, A. N., Scholz, S. E., Sgroi, C. A., Ludwig, A., Wieck, A. D., Yakovlev, D. R., Bayer, M. & Akimov, I. A., Dec 2022, In: Communications Physics. 5, 1, 144.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Manipulation of optical coherence of quantum-well excitons by transverse magnetic field

    Solovev, I. A., Yanibekov, I. I., Babenko, I. A., Stroganov, B. V., Eliseev, S. A., Lovcjus, V. A., Efimov, Y. P., Poltavtsev, S. V., Kapitonov, Y. V. & Yugova, I. A., 15 Sep 2022, In: Physical Review B-Condensed Matter. 106, 11, 115401.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Mode locking of hole spin coherences in CsPb(Cl,Br)3 perovskite nanocrystals

    Kirstein, E., Kopteva, N. E., Yakovlev, D., Zhukov, E. A., Kolobkova, E. V., Kuznetsova, M. S., Belykh, V., Yugova, I. A., Glazov, M. M., Bayer, M. & Greilich, A., 2022, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Nature Communications. 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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