Research areas

  • QC Physics

Research interests

  • Tests of fundamental theories in atomic physics
  • Development of new methods in relativistic theory of atom
  • Quantum electrodynamics of atomic systems
  • Lamb shift, hyperfine splitting, g-factor, and transition probabilities in highly charged ions
  • Parity-nonconservation effects in atoms
  • Precise determination of fundamental constants
  • Recombination, charge transfer, and electron-positron pair creation in heavy ion collisions
  • Electron-positron pair production in strong electromagnetic fields
  • Quantum electrodynamics in supercritical fields

Research output

  1. Three-dimensional calculations of positron creation in supercritical collisions of heavy nuclei

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Schwinger particle production: Rapid switch off of the external field versus dynamical assistance

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  3. QED calculations of intra-L-shell singly excited states in Be-like ions

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