1. 2024
  2. Defect Structure and Luminescence of κ-Ga2O3 Micro-Monocrystals

    Vyvenko, O. F., Shapenkov, S. V., Ubyivovk, E. V., Bondarenko, A. S., Varygin, G. V., Pechnikov, A. I. & Nikolaev, V. I., 24 Oct 2024, In: Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. 2021
  4. Polymorphism and Faceting in Ga2O3 Layers Grown by HVPE at Various Gallium-to-Oxygen Ratios

    Shapenkov, S., Vyvenko, O., Nikolaev, V., Stepanov, S., Pechnikov, A., Scheglov, M. & Varygin, G., 5 Nov 2021, In: Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research. 8 p., 2100331.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. 2020
  6. Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy α- and ε-Ga2O3 Epitaxial Films Grown on Patterned Sapphire Substrates

    Shapenkov, S., Vyvenko, O., Ubyivovk, E., Medvedev, O., Varygin, G., Chikiryaka, A., Pechnikov, A., Scheglov, M., Stepanov, S. & Nikolaev, V., Jul 2020, In: Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. 217, 14, 6 p., 1900892.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 164603