1. 2024
  2. Inter-Strain Differences in the Lumbar Spinal Cord Anatomy and Neuromorphology: Wistar Versus Dark Agouti Rats

    Veshchitskii, A., Shkorbatova, P., Efimova, E. & Merkulyeva, N., 1 Oct 2024, In: Journal of Comparative Neurology. 532, 10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Chronic Behavioral and Neurochemical Effects of Four Novel N-Benzyl-2-phenylethylamine Derivatives Recently Identified as “Psychoactive” in Adult Zebrafish Screens

    Ilyin, N. P., Nabiullin, A. D., Kozlova, A. D., Kupriyanova, O. V., Shevyrin, V. A., Gloriozova, T., Filimonov, D., Lagunin, A., Galstyan, D. S., Kolesnikova, T. O., Mor, M. S., Efimova, E. V., Poroikov, V., Yenkoyan, K. B., de Abreu, M. S., Demin, K. A. & Kalueff, A. V., 29 Apr 2024, In: ACS Chemical Neuroscience. 15, 10, p. 2006–2017 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. 2023
  5. Comparison of tyrosine hydroxylase blocking influence on the motor function in NET-KO mice and DAT-KO mice

    Фесенко, З. С., Ефимова, Е. В., Сотникова, Т. Д. & Гайнетдинов, Р. Р., Dec 2023, In: Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 455, suppl, 122120.

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

  6. The role of trace amine-associated receptor 9 (TAAR9) in mammalian physiology

    Муртазина, Р. З., Ефимова, Е. В., Мор, М. С. & Гайнетдинов, Р. Р., Dec 2023, In: Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 455, 122620.

    Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

  7. Activation of the spinal and brainstem locomotor networks during free treadmill stepping in rats lacking dopamine transporter

    Вещицкий, А. А., Шкорбатова, П., Михалкин, А., Фесенко, З. С., Ефимова, Е. В., Гайнетдинов, Р. Р. & Меркульева, Н. С., 21 Nov 2023, In: Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 16, 1299297.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Expression Pattern of Trace Amine-Associated Receptors during Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells to Dopaminergic Neurons

    Католикова, Н. В., Ваганова, А. Н., Шафранская, Д. Д., Ефимова, Е. В., Малашичева, А. Б. & Гайнетдинов, Р. Р., 18 Oct 2023, In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 24, 20, 15313.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Фесенко, З. С., Птуха, М. А., Мор, М. С., Ефимова, Е. В. & Вольнова, А. Б., 1 Oct 2023, In: IBRO Neuroscience Reports. 15, Suppl 1, p. S404 S404.

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

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