1. Pechora Sea ecosystems: current state and future challenges

    Sukhotin, A., Denisenko, S. & Galaktionov, K., Sep 2019, In: Polar Biology. 42, 9, p. 1631-1645 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Reproduction of trematodes in the molluscan host: an ultrastructural study of the germinal mass and brood cavity in daughter rediae of Tristriata anatis Belopolskaia, 1953 (Digenea: Notocotylidae)

    Подвязная, И. & Галактионов, К. В., Aug 2018, In: Parasitology Research. 117, 8, p. 2643–2652 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Reproductive organs of trematode parthenitae during the cold season: An ultrastructural analysis using evidence from rediae of bunocotyle progenetica (markowski, 1936) (digenea, hemiuroidea)

    Galaktionov, K. V. & Podvyaznaya, I. M., 2019, In: Invertebrate Zoology. 16, 4, p. 329-341 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Seasonal dynamics of trematode infection in the first and the second intermediate hosts: A long-term study at the subarctic marine intertidal

    Nikolaev, K. E., Levakin, I. A. & Galaktionov, K. V., Sep 2020, In: Journal of Sea Research. 164, 101931.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Substratum preferences in two notocotylid (Digenea, Notocotylidae) cercariae from Hydrobia ventrosa at the White Sea

    Gonchar, A. & Galaktionov, K. V., 2016, In: Journal of Sea Research. 113, p. 115-118

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Subtidal populations of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis as a key determinant of waterfowl flocks in the southeastern Barents Sea.

    Sukhotin, A. A., Krasnov, Y. V. & Galaktionov, K. V., 2008, In: Polar Biology. 31, p. 1357–1363

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

  7. Subtidal populations of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis as key determinants of waterfowl flocks in the southeastern Barents Sea

    Sukhotin, A. A., Krasnov, Y. V. & Galaktionov, K. V., 1 Oct 2008, In: Polar Biology. 31, 11, p. 1357-1363 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. The fine structure of the germinal mass, brood cavity and birth canal of the rediae of the monoxenous hemiuroid digenean Bunocotyle progenetica Chabaud & Buttner, 1959

    Podvyaznaya, I. M., Petrov, A. A. & Galaktionov, K. V., 2020, In: Journal of Helminthology. 94, 10 p., e85.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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