Research areas

  • GN Anthropology


1973-78- student, dept. of ethnography and anthropology, Historical faculty, Leningrad State University

1980-84 - aspirant, Institute of Ethnography Ac, of Sciences USSR

1990 - Cand. Hist., Institute of Ethnography Ac. of Sciences USSR

1996-2009 - ass. prof. dept. of ethnography and anthropology, Historical faculty SPb State University

2010-pr. - ass. prof. dept of Artists of Cinema and TV skills, SPbSU

1978-pr. - senior research fellow, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) RAS

1995-pr. - ass. prof., dept of museology and cultural heritage, Faculty of World Culture, SPb State Institute of Arts

2020 - ass. prof., Russian State Humanitarian University



























  1. Школа молодого дипломата

    Activity: Conference talk typesInvited talk

  2. Радловские чтения-2023

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

  3. Радловские чтения-2023

    Activity: Conference talk typesOral presentation

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