1. 2017
  2. Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): High-Resolution Interferometric Imaging

    Shimojo, M., Bastian, T. S., Hales, A. S., White, S. M., Iwai, K., Hills, R. E., Hirota, A., Phillips, N. M., Sawada, T., Yagoubov, P., Siringo, G., Asayama, S., Sugimoto, M., Brajša, R., Skokić, I., Bárta, M., Kim, S., de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I., Corder, S. A., Hudson, H. S. & 8 others, Wedemeyer, S., Gary, D. E., De Pontieu, B., Loukitcheva, M., Fleishman, G. D., Chen, B., Kobelski, A. & Yan, Y., 1 Jul 2017, In: Solar Physics. 292, 7, 87.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Observing the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA): Fast-Scan Single-Dish Mapping

    White, S. M., Iwai, K., Phillips, N. M., Hills, R. E., Hirota, A., Yagoubov, P., Siringo, G., Shimojo, M., Bastian, T. S., Hales, A. S., Sawada, T., Asayama, S., Sugimoto, M., Marson, R. G., Kawasaki, W., Muller, E., Nakazato, T., Sugimoto, K., Brajša, R., Skokić, I. & 14 others, Bárta, M., Kim, S., Remijan, A. J., de Gregorio, I., Corder, S. A., Hudson, H. S., Loukitcheva, M., Chen, B., De Pontieu, B., Fleishmann, G. D., Gary, D. E., Kobelski, A., Wedemeyer, S. & Yan, Y., 1 Jul 2017, In: Solar Physics. 292, 7, 88.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

ID: 9022912