1. 2024
  2. Could SLC26A7 Be a Promising Marker for Preoperative Diagnosis of High-Grade Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma?

    Titov, S. E., Kozorezova, E. S., Lukyanov, S. A., Sergiyko, S. V., Demenkov, P. S., Veryaskina, Y. A., Vorobyev, S. L., Sleptsov, I. V., Chernikov, R. A., Timofeeva, N. I., Barashkova, S. V., Lushnikova, E. L., Uspenskaya, A. A., Zolotoukho, A. V., Romanova, O. V. & Zhimulev, I. F., 25 Nov 2024, In: Diagnostics. 14, 23, 2652.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Effects of intracuff and intravenous lignocaine on recovery from anaesthesia after thyroid surgery. A single‑centre randomised double‑blind placebo‑controlled trial (The IOLANT study)

    Efremov, S. M., Kulikov, A. Y., Govorushkina, V. P., Sidorov, D. D., Ladutko, A. A. & Kuleshov, O. V., 2024, In: Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 68, 12, p. 1055-1061 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. 2022
  5. Male gender is independent factor of poor prognosis in medullary thyroid cancer

    Семенов, А. А., Черников, Р. А., Бузанаков, Д. М., Золотухо, А. В., Успенская, А. А., Горская, Н. А., Зиборов, И. А., Чинчук, И. К., Новокшонов, К. Ю., Карелина, Ю. В., Федоров, Е. А., Макарьин, В. А., Реброва, Д. В., Шихмагомедов, Ш. Ш. & Слепцов, И. В., May 2022, In: Endocrine Abstracts. 81, EP986.

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting Abstractpeer-review

ID: 123455443