Антоний Сергеевич Жилкин - Chair

Максим Алексеевич Зенков - Organizer

Organisers: Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of International Relations, St. Petersburg State University.

Role: President of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).

Agenda of the Committee: Situation in Kosovo. As part of the presentation of delegations' positions and further consultations, recent political developments in Kosovo were considered through the prism of international law, namely: the UN Charter, UN Security Council Resolutions 1203 and 1244, the advisory decision of the International Court of Justice on the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo, the doctrine of international law on the relationship between the right to self-determination and the right to inviolability of borders.

Tasks: Keeping the debate flowing, whilst ensuring that all rules are being complied with by the delegates.
26 Nov 202229 Nov 2022

Международная модель ООН в Смольном-2022

Duration26 Nov 202229 Nov 2022
Location of eventСПбГУ
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
Web address (URL)
Degree of recognitionInternational event

Event: Conference


ID: 102456819