
Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate. / Ilves, V.G.; Balezin, M.E.; Sokovnin, S. Yu.; Gerasimov, A.S.; Kalinina, E.G.; Rusakova, D.S.; Korusenko, P.M.; Zuev, M.G.; Uimin, M.A.

в: Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Том 218, 111612, 01.05.2024.

Результаты исследований: Научные публикации в периодических изданияхстатьяРецензирование


Ilves, VG, Balezin, ME, Sokovnin, SY, Gerasimov, AS, Kalinina, EG, Rusakova, DS, Korusenko, PM, Zuev, MG & Uimin, MA 2024, 'Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate', Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Том. 218, 111612.,


Ilves, V. G., Balezin, M. E., Sokovnin, S. Y., Gerasimov, A. S., Kalinina, E. G., Rusakova, D. S., Korusenko, P. M., Zuev, M. G., & Uimin, M. A. (2024). Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 218, [111612].,


Ilves VG, Balezin ME, Sokovnin SY, Gerasimov AS, Kalinina EG, Rusakova DS и пр. Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2024 Май 1;218. 111612.,


Ilves, V.G. ; Balezin, M.E. ; Sokovnin, S. Yu. ; Gerasimov, A.S. ; Kalinina, E.G. ; Rusakova, D.S. ; Korusenko, P.M. ; Zuev, M.G. ; Uimin, M.A. / Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate. в: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2024 ; Том 218.


title = "Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate",
abstract = "In this study, 2-line ferrihydrite (2L Fh) nanoparticles (NPles)were synthesized by radiation-chemical method from an alcoholic solution of iron (III) nitrate for the first time. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the synthetic powder exhibited the characteristic pattern of 2L Fh NPles. DSC-TG analysis conducted in air atmosphere further verified the formation of 2L Fh. SEM analysis showed the presence of mesoporous plate-like structures in the 2L Fh powder, consisting of aggregates of NPs with an average size of approximately 20 nm. The absence of impurity peaks on the X-ray diffractograms and energy dispersion spectra (EDX) confirmed the chemical purity of the produced 2L Fh NPles. Additionally, the XPS method detected the presence of nitrogen and carbon adsorbed to the developed surface of the 2L Fh plates. 2L Fh NPles, when dried in air at a temperature of 50 °C, rapidly dissolved in water. 2L Fh NPles alcohol suspensions were stabilized using surfactants polyethylenimine (PEI) and acetylacetone (AcAs). 2L Fh NPles showed good photocatalytic properties when irradiated with ultraviolet light of methyl violet (MV) dye. These 2L Fh NPles, synthesized using an environmentally friendly radiation-chemical method, have immense potential for applications in biomedicine and photocatalysis. {\textcopyright} 2024 Elsevier Ltd",
keywords = "2L Fh nanoparticles, Radiation-chemical synthesis, Acetone, Iron compounds, Nanoparticles, Nitrates, Photocatalytic activity, Plates (structural components), X ray powder diffraction, 2-line ferrihydrite nanoparticle, Air atmosphere, Alcoholic solutions, Chemical method, DSC-TG analysis, Ferrihydrites, SEM analysis, Synthesis and characterizations, Synthesised, Synthesis (chemical), acetylacetone, alcohol, dye, ferric hydroxide, ferrihydrite nanoparticle, iron derivative, iron nitrate, methyl violet, nanoparticle, nitric acid derivative, nitrogen, polyethyleneimine, unclassified drug, water, Article, atmosphere, biomedicine, chemical analysis, chemical phenomena, chemical purity, chemical structure, controlled study, differential scanning calorimetry, electron beam, energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy, particle size, photocatalysis, powder, radiation chemical synthesis, scanning electron microscopy, synthesis, temperature, thermogravimetry, ultraviolet radiation, X ray diffraction",
author = "V.G. Ilves and M.E. Balezin and Sokovnin, {S. Yu.} and A.S. Gerasimov and E.G. Kalinina and D.S. Rusakova and P.M. Korusenko and M.G. Zuev and M.A. Uimin",
note = "Export Date: 11 March 2024 CODEN: RPCHD Адрес для корреспонденции: Ilves, V.G.; Institute of Electrophysics, Russian Federation; эл. почта: Химические вещества/CAS: acetylacetone, 123-54-6; alcohol, 64-17-5; ferric hydroxide, 11113-66-9, 12022-37-6, 12181-28-1, 1309-33-7, 1310-14-1, 1317-60-8, 1317-63-1; nitrogen, 7727-37-9; polyethyleneimine, 74913-72-7; water, 7732-18-5 Сведения о финансировании: Grantov{\'a} Agentura {\v C}esk{\'e} Republiky, GA {\v C}R, 20-58-26002 Сведения о финансировании: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ Текст о финансировании 1: The reported study was funded by RFBR and GACR , project number № 20-58-26002 . Пристатейные ссылки: Abedini, A., Daud, A.R., Abdul Hamid, M.A., Kamil Othman, N., Radiolytic formation of Fe3O4 nanoparticles: influence of radiation dose on structure and magnetic properties (2014) PLoS One, 9; Ahmad, K., Ashah, I., Ali, S., Khan, M.T., Qureshi, M.B.A., Shah, S.H.A., Ali, A., Gu, H.N., Synthesis and evaluation of Ca-doped ferrihydrite as a novel adsorbent for the efficient removal of fluoride (2022) Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int., 29, pp. 6375-6388; Arinchtein, A., Schmack, R., Kraffert, K., Radnik, J., Dietrich, P., Sachse, R., Ralph Kraehnert, role of water in phase transformations and crystallization of ferrihydrite and hematite (2020) ACS Appl. Mater. 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year = "2024",
month = may,
day = "1",
doi = "10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.111612",
language = "Английский",
volume = "218",
journal = "Radiation Physics and Chemistry",
issn = "0969-806X",
publisher = "Elsevier",




T1 - Radiation-chemical synthesis and characterization of ferrihydrite from iron (III) nitrate

AU - Ilves, V.G.

AU - Balezin, M.E.

AU - Sokovnin, S. Yu.

AU - Gerasimov, A.S.

AU - Kalinina, E.G.

AU - Rusakova, D.S.

AU - Korusenko, P.M.

AU - Zuev, M.G.

AU - Uimin, M.A.

N1 - Export Date: 11 March 2024 CODEN: RPCHD Адрес для корреспонденции: Ilves, V.G.; Institute of Electrophysics, Russian Federation; эл. почта: Химические вещества/CAS: acetylacetone, 123-54-6; alcohol, 64-17-5; ferric hydroxide, 11113-66-9, 12022-37-6, 12181-28-1, 1309-33-7, 1310-14-1, 1317-60-8, 1317-63-1; nitrogen, 7727-37-9; polyethyleneimine, 74913-72-7; water, 7732-18-5 Сведения о финансировании: Grantová Agentura České Republiky, GA ČR, 20-58-26002 Сведения о финансировании: Russian Foundation for Basic Research, РФФИ Текст о финансировании 1: The reported study was funded by RFBR and GACR , project number № 20-58-26002 . Пристатейные ссылки: Abedini, A., Daud, A.R., Abdul Hamid, M.A., Kamil Othman, N., Radiolytic formation of Fe3O4 nanoparticles: influence of radiation dose on structure and magnetic properties (2014) PLoS One, 9; Ahmad, K., Ashah, I., Ali, S., Khan, M.T., Qureshi, M.B.A., Shah, S.H.A., Ali, A., Gu, H.N., Synthesis and evaluation of Ca-doped ferrihydrite as a novel adsorbent for the efficient removal of fluoride (2022) Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. Int., 29, pp. 6375-6388; Arinchtein, A., Schmack, R., Kraffert, K., Radnik, J., Dietrich, P., Sachse, R., Ralph Kraehnert, role of water in phase transformations and crystallization of ferrihydrite and hematite (2020) ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 12, pp. 38714-38722; Balezin, M.E., Sokovnin, S.Y., Production of iron oxide nanopowders by radiation-chemical method (2022) Proceedings of 8th International Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects EFRE, pp. 453-457. , Tomsk, Russia; Balezin, M.E., Sokovnin, S.Y., Uimin, M.A., Preparation of iron oxide nanopowders by the radiation-chemical method (2021) J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2064; Barro'n, V., Torrent, J., Evidence for a simple pathway to maghemite in Earth and Mars soils (2002) Geochem. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, pp. 2801-2806; Barro'n, V., Torrent, J., de Grave, E., Hydromaghemite, an intermediate in the hydrothermal transformation of 2-line ferrihydrite into hematite (2003) Am. Mineral., 88, pp. 1679-1688; Boily, J.F., Song, X., Direct identification of reaction sites on ferrihydrite (2020) Commun. 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PY - 2024/5/1

Y1 - 2024/5/1

N2 - In this study, 2-line ferrihydrite (2L Fh) nanoparticles (NPles)were synthesized by radiation-chemical method from an alcoholic solution of iron (III) nitrate for the first time. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the synthetic powder exhibited the characteristic pattern of 2L Fh NPles. DSC-TG analysis conducted in air atmosphere further verified the formation of 2L Fh. SEM analysis showed the presence of mesoporous plate-like structures in the 2L Fh powder, consisting of aggregates of NPs with an average size of approximately 20 nm. The absence of impurity peaks on the X-ray diffractograms and energy dispersion spectra (EDX) confirmed the chemical purity of the produced 2L Fh NPles. Additionally, the XPS method detected the presence of nitrogen and carbon adsorbed to the developed surface of the 2L Fh plates. 2L Fh NPles, when dried in air at a temperature of 50 °C, rapidly dissolved in water. 2L Fh NPles alcohol suspensions were stabilized using surfactants polyethylenimine (PEI) and acetylacetone (AcAs). 2L Fh NPles showed good photocatalytic properties when irradiated with ultraviolet light of methyl violet (MV) dye. These 2L Fh NPles, synthesized using an environmentally friendly radiation-chemical method, have immense potential for applications in biomedicine and photocatalysis. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

AB - In this study, 2-line ferrihydrite (2L Fh) nanoparticles (NPles)were synthesized by radiation-chemical method from an alcoholic solution of iron (III) nitrate for the first time. The X-ray diffraction analysis confirmed that the synthetic powder exhibited the characteristic pattern of 2L Fh NPles. DSC-TG analysis conducted in air atmosphere further verified the formation of 2L Fh. SEM analysis showed the presence of mesoporous plate-like structures in the 2L Fh powder, consisting of aggregates of NPs with an average size of approximately 20 nm. The absence of impurity peaks on the X-ray diffractograms and energy dispersion spectra (EDX) confirmed the chemical purity of the produced 2L Fh NPles. Additionally, the XPS method detected the presence of nitrogen and carbon adsorbed to the developed surface of the 2L Fh plates. 2L Fh NPles, when dried in air at a temperature of 50 °C, rapidly dissolved in water. 2L Fh NPles alcohol suspensions were stabilized using surfactants polyethylenimine (PEI) and acetylacetone (AcAs). 2L Fh NPles showed good photocatalytic properties when irradiated with ultraviolet light of methyl violet (MV) dye. These 2L Fh NPles, synthesized using an environmentally friendly radiation-chemical method, have immense potential for applications in biomedicine and photocatalysis. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd

KW - 2L Fh nanoparticles

KW - Radiation-chemical synthesis

KW - Acetone

KW - Iron compounds

KW - Nanoparticles

KW - Nitrates

KW - Photocatalytic activity

KW - Plates (structural components)

KW - X ray powder diffraction

KW - 2-line ferrihydrite nanoparticle

KW - Air atmosphere

KW - Alcoholic solutions

KW - Chemical method

KW - DSC-TG analysis

KW - Ferrihydrites

KW - SEM analysis

KW - Synthesis and characterizations

KW - Synthesised

KW - Synthesis (chemical)

KW - acetylacetone

KW - alcohol

KW - dye

KW - ferric hydroxide

KW - ferrihydrite nanoparticle

KW - iron derivative

KW - iron nitrate

KW - methyl violet

KW - nanoparticle

KW - nitric acid derivative

KW - nitrogen

KW - polyethyleneimine

KW - unclassified drug

KW - water

KW - Article

KW - atmosphere

KW - biomedicine

KW - chemical analysis

KW - chemical phenomena

KW - chemical purity

KW - chemical structure

KW - controlled study

KW - differential scanning calorimetry

KW - electron beam

KW - energy dispersive X ray spectroscopy

KW - particle size

KW - photocatalysis

KW - powder

KW - radiation chemical synthesis

KW - scanning electron microscopy

KW - synthesis

KW - temperature

KW - thermogravimetry

KW - ultraviolet radiation

KW - X ray diffraction

UR -

U2 - 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.111612

DO - 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2024.111612

M3 - статья

VL - 218

JO - Radiation Physics and Chemistry

JF - Radiation Physics and Chemistry

SN - 0969-806X

M1 - 111612

ER -

ID: 117393002