
IBRAIN is planned as the academic network of leading HEIs in neuroscience and behavioural sciences with the particular focus on cognitive, neuroimaging and aeromodelling applications aiming at building up Master’s-Doctoral tracks to increase the effectiveness of three-level education in RF and India. Partner HEIs will develop Master’s-Doctoral tracks in Cognitive Sciences (HSE, SPbSU, and UH) and enhance the doctoral curriculum by cognitive psychology and neuroscience in IHNA and BITS, correspondingly. The process of upgrading the curriculum will be sustained by participating in the leading EU experts in Cognitive Neurotechnologies such as ENS, AU, and NU.
The advanced courses that will be developed and/or upgraded in the IBRAIN will be clustered around the following core themes uniting brain and cognitive sciences:
1. Cognitive Psychology and Human Neuroscience
2. Computational models in Cognitive Sciences
3. Neuroscience approaches in Cognitive Sciences.
Advanced courses, practical placements, summer schools, research seminars, trainings, and guest lectures will be organised by world-leading specialists to reflect the best level of training for academic and research staff. It will not only help obtain up-to-date knowledge and develop superior professional skills, but also will allow a better understanding of how fundamental and applied research is organised. The IBRAIN will also foster RF R&D in Neuroscience & Technologies, which recently appeared in the focus of one of the RF strategic initiatives called NeuroNet. While India Partners will gain from increased international cooperation in Social and Behavioural Sciences, that will improve competitiveness and attractiveness of Master’s and PhD programmes in Social and Behavioural Sciences in India.
The Consortium members will organise clusters of expertise relevant to each of the five Modules in such a way that each cluster will be responsible for monitoring and updating courses within their field of science. The universities will join their academic resources in order to:
1) Choose the best lecturers/experts
2) Develop and approve a course/training/hands-on training content
3) Annotate and support the course database
4) Test the course in a cohort of MS and PhD students.
During the IBRAIN implementation, in addition to the advanced courses, other teaching and study activities such as laboratory placements in EU and PC universities, research seminars, summer schools, guest lectures will be offered. With a strong focus on research methodologies and access to cutting-edge techniques in research laboratories of consortium members, the IBRAIN will train the PC teaching staff on one hand, while helping PCs students to get the highest qualifications and skills.
Краткое названиеIBrain
Эффективные даты начала/конца15/01/209/04/22

    Области исследований

  • Neuroimaging, Psycholinguistics, Human neuroscience, Behavioural Genetics, Intelligence, Creativity

ID: 53782777