Вадим Юрьевич Перов - Принимающая сторона

1. Research Activities in the Field of Ethics (Bioethics) and Russian Philosophy:
Basic Areas of Research: ethical expertise and ethical codex, the specifics and management of the ethical commission at the university, the problem of humanism and transhumanism, human Enhancement, liberal Eugenics, new issues of Russian philosophy
2. Visiting libraries and study of scientific articles and new books on Russian philosophy, Ethics and Bioethics (M. Gorky Scientific Library of SPbU and Library of the Academy of Sciences on the square Sakharov – 8 hours)
3. To discuss new forms of joint research projects and scientific conferences related to the work of the International Centre for Study of Russian philosophy (coordinated by A. Rybas) and preparing research projects of writing a monograph / textbook on bioethics for university students (with co-author–T.V. Kovaleva and V. Perov)
4. Meeting and consultations with colleagues from the Department of Ethics (V. Perov, T.V. Kovaleva) and Department of Russian philosophy (A. Rybas, A. Malinov, A. Zamalejeev)
30 июн 20196 июл 2019

прием приглашённого лица из образовательной или научной организации

НазваниеZlatica Plasienkova
Академическая степень посетителейPhD
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Внешние организации
Университет им. Коменского в Братиславе

ID: 75466559