Евгения Павловна Петрашень - Участник

Александра Андреевна Толстова - Участник

Кирилл Алексеевич Алферовский - Участник

The coasts of the Gulf of Finland can boast rich dacha heritage
from 19th and early 20th century has experienced various fates in the
turns of the 20th century. Among the most well known are the villas
in the former spa town of Hanko and those in the ”Kurortnyi raion” of
Terijoki / Zelenogorsk. These regions have seen several generations of
Russian and Finnish villa guests and owners and a rich social life, but
also military troops and actions due to the Russian revolution, Finnish
civil war and Second World War.
Many of the historical villas or dachas are maintained as
architectural and cultural sites, and yet, many have been left without
maintenance and are seriously endangered. Can restoration, adaptation
of to modern uses, documentation and research raise the appreciation of
this heritage?
25 авг 201826 авг 2018

The Third Russian-Finnish Conference
"Historical dachas and resorts of the Gulf of Finland:
Problems of conservation and use"

Номер конференции3
Продолжительность25 авг 201826 авг 2018
МестоположениеHelsinki, House of Science and Letters
Электронный адрес (URL)
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 37862782