Игорь Романович Тантлевский - Докладчик

The report identifies the main stages in the evolution of Qumran messianic concept on the basis of the analysis of the Dead Sea manuscripts and the determination of the relative chronology of the Qumran texts. Special attention is paid to the process of “messianization” of the figure of the Qumran community leader, referred to in the sources as the Teacher of Righteousness (historical and eschatological, redivivus), the gradual change in the views of the Qumranites on his role and functions (from the prophet-precursor to the priestly Messiah), as well as identifying the role of the Teacher in the creation and development of Qumran messianic-eschatological doctrines. It is possible that at a certain historical stage the Qumranites began to regard their leader as the incarnate Melchizedek, whose image is also given considerable attention in the report.
17 окт 2021

Событие (конференция)

ЗаголовокInternational Conference<br/>"Philosophy and mysticism in Jewish, Christian and Muslim thought"
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 89125934