Евгений Николаевич Пашенцев - Докладчик

Psychological warfare has several levels: tactical, operational and strategic of which each solves a specific task. The most important level is the strategic which aims at the direction of the development of a particular country or the international system as a whole in a for the leading actor desirable direction. Very often the object to which the psychological impact is directed is not aware of the character and the real scope of long-term operations that are modifying its mode of thinking and behaviour. In socio-political terms, strategic psychological warfare (SPW) is the explicit and implicit long-term focused psychological impact of competing systems’ (state, supra-state, inter-state and non-state actors) attempts to inflict damage and/ or the liquidation (or assignment) of intangible assets on the other side in order to win in the material sphere. SPW is the systematic, long-term impact on the nodal elements of the public organism in order to create a dominance of negative trends in its development. Political, economic, diplomatic steps with regard to the next planned victim of a direct aggression or latent regime change (sometimes two variants are combined) always have an internal logic sequence to strengthen internal destabilisation on the one hand and the external isolation of the target regime on the other. The paper aims through method of comparative analysis of the current practice of psychological warfare in different countries to identify the main features of SPW and its prospects based on assimilation of advanced technologies of mind control.
22 ноя 201823 ноя 2018

Событие (конференция)

ЗаголовокСтратегические коммуникации в бизнесе и политике
Сокр. ЗаголовокStratcom
Веб-адрес (URL-адрес)
Местоположение1 линия, дом 26 Институт "ВШЖиМК" СПбГУ
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 35904663