Анастасия Алексеевна Голубева - Докладчик

Екатерина Владимировна Соколова - Докладчик

Дарья Андреевна Бакалец - Докладчик

The problem of smart sustainable cities has appeared in the modern research literature relatively recently as a result of the integration of two areas of research - sustainable development and smart cities. However, as the analysis shows, such integration has complicated the understanding of both smartness and sustainability of cities and has posed a new challenge for researchers, namely, to form a monitoring and evaluation approach that would include both dimensions. This article briefly examines the factors that influenced the emergence and development of the concept of smart sustainable cities, defines a smart sustainable city phenomenon, determines the directions of its research and based on the identification of the main problems of monitoring and evaluation of smart sustainable cities, formulates a new approach to monitoring
5 окт 20228 окт 2022

Событие (конференция)

ЗаголовокGSOM Emerging Markets Conference - 2022
Веб-адрес (URL-адрес)
МестоположениеВШМ СПбГУ
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 101823134