Татьяна Васильевна Белоненко - Рецензент


Special Issue " Study on Ocean Submesoscale Dynamics and Wave-Current Interactions"



Комментарии (отзыв)

Ocean submesoscale dynamics refers to the physical processes that occur on spatial scales of about 1-100 km and time scales of hours to days in the ocean. These processes are important for understanding the ocean's circulation and biogeochemistry, as well as for predicting and mitigating the impacts of extreme weather events and climate change.

One important aspect of submesoscale dynamics is the interaction between ocean currents and waves. Waves can interact with ocean currents in a number of ways, including modifying the surface roughness of the ocean, inducing mixing of different water masses, and generating small-scale eddies and turbulence. These interactions can have significant impacts on the transport and distribution of heat, salt, and nutrients in the ocean, as well as on the behavior of marine organisms.

Another important aspect of submesoscale dynamics is the formation and evolution of oceanic fronts. Fronts are regions where different water masses with different properties (such as temperature, salinity, and density) meet and mix. Submesoscale processes play a key role in the formation and maintenance of fronts, which can have important ecological and biogeochemical implications. For example, fronts can be hotspots of biological productivity, as they bring together nutrient-rich and nutrient-poor waters, and can also affect the distribution and migration of marine organisms.
5 окт 2023


ID: 113568681