Андрей Дмитриевич Наследов - Рецензент


Peer Review "Nature-based therapy in individuals with mental health disorders, with a focus on mental well-being and connectedness to nature – a pilot study"



Комментарии (отзыв)

I don't remember when I had previously read such an inspired exposition of the romance of psychotherapy. And for this I express my great gratitude to the authors. I will also note the competent application of methods of applied statistics, including such a modern and complex method as "linear mixed models".

However there is one weighty objection. The study is not experimental – a pre–experimental design is used (preliminary testing – impact - final testing) with one group, without any control group. Thus, it is impossible to separate the effect of therapy from many other competitive, extraneous factors, such as background influence, natural development, the effect of preliminary testing, etc. (Campbell D.T., Stanley J.C., 1976). At this stage, this objection is unavoidable.
5 янв 2023

ID: 101628726