Александр Федорович Холтыгин - Организатор

The conference are devoted to studies of early-type OBA stars, their magnetic fields and variability. Massive O and B stars are of particular interest, as they end their evolution with a supernova explosion, producing neutron stars or black holes and drive the evolution of star forming galaxies at all redshifts. The conference focuses on stellar magnetic fields, their origin, evolution and their impact on stellar evolution. The other important issue discussed at the conference is the variability of massive stars. The analysis of variability is a powerful tool to study the stellar structure, the stellar environment, and the stellar evolution.
26 апр 202130 апр 2021

International conference "OBA Stars: Variability and Magnetic Fields"

Продолжительность26 апр 202130 апр 2021
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 89785568