Николай Геннадьевич Бобылев - Консультант

In line with the recommendations of an external review of UN-Habitat’s Flagship Report, UN-Habitat has decided to form an International Advisory Board to help enhance the quality, improve discussions and evaluate the validity and suitability of the World Cities Report. The International Advisory Board to which you are invited to is an interdisciplinary team of highly experienced human settlements researchers, academicians, practitioners and policymakers from various regions of the world.
Working within the context of the transformative commitments of New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 11 make cities and human settlements safe, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable, the WCR 2020 seeks to gain greater insights and deeper appreciation of the Value of Sustainable Urbanization from the international perspective of Member States and major partners and stakeholders as a means for the effective implementation of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development.
Your role as an International Advisory Board Member of the World Cities Report will be to review and provide comments on the substantive contents of the of draft chapters of the WCR 2020; and establish links between chapters and propose and discuss key messages of the Report.
1 окт 20191 дек 2021

Внешняя организация (государственный орган)


ID: 47647346