Ирина Владимировна Зеленева - Докладчик

In the article the authors consider the theoretical concept of the dialogue of civilizations. Particular attention to this difficult question is the solvability of such conflicts. Such contradictions become one of the most widespread sources of social contradictions and political instability. In work, the view of the famous American concept of S.Huntington "The Clash of Civilization" is analyzed. The concept summed up throughout the twentieth century, the century of two world wars, the cold war, geopolitical and military methods in world politics.
As a concept, civilization does not figure in any of the theories of international relations - neither positivistic nor postpositive. This is not a state, not a political regime, not a class, not a network, not a community, not a group of individuals and not separate individuals. Civilization is a collective community united by the participation in the same spiritual, historical, cultural, mental and symbolic tradition (most often religious in its roots, although not necessarily realized in terms of a particular religion), whose members realize closeness to each other, regardless of national, class, political and ideological affiliation.
According to the authors of this article, the "dialogue of civilizations" paradigm should replace the "clash of civilizations" paradigm and become the basis of a multipolar world. The conclusion is that the interreligious Russian-Iranian dialogue "Orthodoxy-Islam" is a unique platform where representatives of various faiths and civilizations discuss international issues and try to develop a common approach for the given problem.
26 апр 2018 → …

Событие (конференция)

ЗаголовокInternational Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences (RPTSS)
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Степень признаниямеждународный уровень

ID: 76540427