Ирина Юрьевна Крецер - Участник

Close Relations offers a platform for exploring urgent issues for critical family and kinship studies, across disciplines and areas. Close Relations wishes to explore how changes in family and kin formation materialize in everyday lives, in stories, in fiction and art; how they are facilitated, contested, or hindered in cultural, political, legal, and medical contexts; how close relations play out, become closer or closed off, in specific contexts and situations.
24 окт 201826 окт 2018

Close Relations: a multi- and
interdisciplinary conference on critical family and kinship

Продолжительность24 окт 201826 окт 2018
МестоположениеCentre for Gender Research, Uppsala University (Центр гендерных исследования, Уппсальский университет)
ГородUppsala (Уппсала)
Электронный адрес (URL)
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 35384789