Яна Сергеевна Тестина - Участник

Spread of COVID 19 has become one of the main factors, which affected global economy and boosted development of industry 4.0 and digital economy. On the one hand COVID – 19 led to severe negative effects for the people, companies and national economies. On the other hand, it boosted the spread of digital technologies, which helped to overcome these effects and minimize the damage. It has also supported development of industry 4.0 and digital economy, since certain types of technologies became more common for a larger number of people and companies. Therefore, the aim of the conference is to discuss recent contributions to the understanding of the Innovations in Digital Economy and its consequences for modern economies. We believe that the community of our conference is the key for dissemination of most recent advances and promotion of new international collaborations.
14 окт 202115 окт 2021

3rd International Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy

Сокращенное названиеSPBPU IDE-2021
Номер конференции3
Продолжительность14 окт 202115 окт 2021
МестоположениеСанкт-Петербургский государственный политехнический университет
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Электронный адрес (URL)
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 86446189