Александр Кимович Щёкин - Приглашенный докладчик

The annual ECIS Conference brings together participants from the broad, interdisciplinary field of colloid and interface science, including chemists, physicists, biologists, pharmacists and engineers. ECIS offers education to young researchers and nurtures networking at an international level. During the conference, plenary lectures will be given by eminent speakers and the
laureates of the Overbeek and Solvay Prizes. Participation and advancement of young researchers and PhD students is encouraged through several best oral or poster prizes.
9 сен 2021

Внешняя организация (научное и профессиональное общество)

Название European Colloid & Interface Society (ECIS)
Страна/TерриторияМеждународная организация

ID: 87655551