Сергей Трофимович Нефедов - Участник

Recent studies point at the importance of cultural and social context of technological development – technoscientific initiatives are expected to satisfy professional and academic standards, and comply with expectations and needs of the ordinary people. Professional identity is undergoing considerable transformations – nowadays it is almost impossible to choose a profession for the whole life, rather one must be able to restructure professional trajectory in a flexible way, attracting a wide range of specific and meta-competences. In order to produce advanced specialists who would comfortably and successfully operate within the changing digital environment, the universities must assimilate new technological resources, monitor educational trends and track cognitive and information practices and preferences of the students, as well as must be able to transform their overall view of the sociotechnical space of the university.
The aim of the conference is to provide an interdisciplinary venue to discuss and solve a wide range of problems associated with the future of education and shaping of professional culture of specialists, in order to foster further research and informed dialogue between universities and the society at large.
3 апр 20184 апр 2018

18th International Conference. Professional Culture of the Specialist of the Future

Сокращенное название18th International Conference
Продолжительность3 дек 20184 дек 2018
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
Электронный адрес (URL)
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 76501140