Наталья Григорьевна Мед - Докладчик

1.Paremia fond of Romance languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese) contains some comic paremias and phraseologisms which are called dialogisms and wellerisms. The analyses of the linguistic peculiarities of these paremias from the point of pragmatics and stereotype theory and classification of communicative situations of its usage (such as communicative situation of reproach, ironic commentaries etc.) are given here. Also deals with the linguistic means of comic creation among which citation of a proverb or a famous phrase, allusion to a precedent text, precedent proper nouns usage and reliance on background knowledge are highlighted. Dialogisms and wellerisms of Romance languages are characterized by the improbable relations between the dialog participants (e.g. conversations between objects, animals, dead persons etc.) and by the absurdity of the situation. Using resources of comic they provide moralistic function.
2.The connection of language and culture is indivisible due to the fact that all common and individual in the cultural tradition of nations are reflected in the language as a verbal code of culture. At the same time phraseologisms and paremias belong to the different cultural codes consisting as universal cultural information as specifically national cultural information which are represented in the images typical for the exact nation. The most popular Russian phraseologisms and paremias connected to the historical, ethnographic and literal codes of Russian culture are being analyzed in the article. The expressions reflecting such historical facts as the Tartar-Mongol yoke, different wars and important historical events are marked among the phraseologisms and paremias connected to the historical cultural code. Ethnographic cultural code is represented with the phraseologisms and paremias containing national realia-words and providing information about Russian nation’s customs and traditions, people occupancies and prejudices. Literal code is shown in the article via different phraseologisms from the works of Russian writers. Phraseologisms containing Spanish realia-words are also being analyzed too.
31 мар 20196 апр 2019

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