Марина Анатольевна Ермолина - Участник

А.С. Матвеевская - Участник

Григорий Вячеславович Устюжанин - Участник

TIPG 2021 will address the main issues of contemporary political geography and international relations. The Conference provides a platform for discussion and collaboration of experts in the fields of Political Geography, Geopolitics, International Relations, International Law and other related areas of inquiry. The Conference is a continuation of the International Conference “Topical issues of international relations in the current geopolitical context”, which has been taken place in St. Petersburg annually since 2016. TIPG 2021 invites paper submissions and speakers on topics: Political Geography, Human Geography, Urban Studies, Demography & Population Studies, Migration Politics, Natural Sources Politics, International Organizations and Integration, Conflicts & Security, International Law.
15 окт 202116 окт 2021

Актуальные проблемы международной политической географии» Topical Issues of International Political Geography TIPG 2021

Продолжительность15 окт 202116 окт 2021
Уровень (статус) мероприятиямеждународный уровень

Событие: конференция

ID: 88858149