Zuktamrurite, FeP 2 , is a new mineral, a natural iron diphosphide found in the pyrometamorphic rocks of the Hatrurim Formation, in the southern part of the Negev Desert, Israel and on the Transjordan Plateau, Jordan. The mineral occurs as irregular grains up to 50 µm in size associated with murashkoite, FeP, and barringerite, (Fe,Ni) 2 P. In reflected light, zuktamrurite is white with a distinct bluish tint. It is non-pleochroic but exhibits distinct anisotropy in bluish colours. Reflectance values for the IMA COM recommended wavelengths are [R max /R min , % (λ, nm)]: 50.40/47.20 (470); 49.16/46.23 (546); 48.97/46.16 (589); 49.40/46.40 (650). It is brittle. Electron microprobe analysis of the holotype specimen gave the following chemical composition (wt%, average of 5 points): Fe 40.23; Ni 7.97; P 51.70; total 99.90. The empirical formula calculated on the basis of 3 apfu is (Fe 0.86 Ni 0.16 ) 1.02 P 1.98
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)361-369
JournalPhysics and Chemistry of Minerals
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2019

ID: 78463522