The modified elastic-viscous equations expressed in the scale of the effective time are considered to describe the deformation, climate and radiation aging of polymer materials. The concrete differential relations for the parameter of effective time are suggested. Using the received constitutive equations and the energy conservation law the creep fracture criterion is formulated. The criterion can be applied to describe the time to fracture of polymer materials undergoing UV irradiation. It is known, that UV irradiation promotes the degradation and fracture of polymer materials. In the thermodynamic creep fracture criterion these effects are connected with the increase of internal and, consequently, with the increase of the stored energy. The received results can be applied to predict the destruction of polymer materials and structures, also to optimize the human skin sunburn process. In the last case the effect of deformation aging (massage) will be very important and it was not considered in the world medic
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of XXXVII Summer School-Conference “Advanced problems in mechanics” June 30-July 5. 2009. St.-Petersburg (Repino)
PublisherИнститут проблем машиноведения РАН
StatePublished - 2009

ID: 4519179