• Eugene Semenko
  • Iosif Romanyuk
  • Ilya Yakunin
  • Dmitry Kudryavtsev
  • Anastasiya Moiseeva
We summarize the results of a spectropolarimetric survey of 56 chemically peculiar (CP) stars in the association of Orion OB1. We uniformly collected the observational material with the 6-m telescope BTA of the Special Astrophysical Observatory in 2013-2021. We identify 14 new magnetic CP stars with a longitudinal magnetic field exceeding approximately 500 G. The studied sample contains 31 magnetic stars or 55 per cent of the whole CP population in Orion OB1. We show that the percentage of the magnetic CP stars and the field strength drop sharply with age. The mean longitudinal magnetic field in the young subgroup OB1b (log t = 6.23) is confidently almost three times stronger than in the older subgroups OB1a (log t = 7.05) and OB1c (log t = 6.66). In the Orion Nebula, a place with the youngest stellar population (log t < 6.0), we detect the magnetic field only in 20 per cent of CP stars. Such an occurrence drastically differs from 83 per cent of magnetic CP stars in the nearby subgroup OB1c. We consider this effect an observational bias caused by a significant portion of a very young population with the signatures of Herbig Ae/Be stars. The technique we used for magnetic measurements and the quality of available data do not allow us to detect weak fields in the case of stars with a limited number of lines and emissions in spectra.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)998-1011
Number of pages14
JournalMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2022

    Research areas

  • stars: chemically peculiar, stars: formation, stars: magnetic field, techniques: polarimetric

ID: 126868369