On the basis of the experimental data on the ionospheric conductivities and field-aligned currents the electric fields and currents in the ionosphere generated by the field-aligned currents were computated for various magnetic activity conditions. The model of the ionospheric conductivities by Vanyan and Osipova (1975) was used taking into account the influence of the universal time seasons and magnetic activity. The field-aligned current patterns and their change with magnetic activity was set on the basis of the TRIAD data. It is shown that the calculated patterns of the ionospheric electric fields and currents are in agreement with the measured electric fields and the equivalent current systems of the magnetic disturbances in high latitudes. The conclusion is made that the magnetospheric field-aligned currents are the main sources of the presently known polar magnetic disturbances.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)223-231
Number of pages9
JournalPlanetary and Space Science
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1979

    Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science

ID: 53097425