• Antonie Haas
  • Birgit Heim
  • Sebastian Zubrzycki
  • Kirsten Elger
  • Christian Schäfer-Neth
  • Anne Morgenstern
  • Irina Fedorova

Permafrost regions are highly sensitive to climate change. Bring ing research data and metadata from diverse sources together and visualising them within a publicly available worldwide system would have an enormous impact on data accessibility and availability and would significantly promote scientific work. The CarboPerm WebGIS, a case study focusing on the Lena River Delta in the Laptev Sea Region (Siberia), shows how a WebGIS infrastructure can support scientific work, data management, data visualisation, and data publication. CarboPerm is an interdisciplinary German project with Russian cooperation, investigating the formation, turnover and release of car bon in Siberian permafrost landscapes. There, the Lena River formed the largest delta in the Arctic and is place of long-term Russian-German scien tific cooperation in permafrost research. The CarboPerm WebGIS is being set up to visualise and emphasise the spatial context of local samples, measure ments, and analyses versus the thematic background information (e.g., geo morphology, pedology, geology and vegetation), using the WebGIS infra structure "maps@awi" at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI). The CarboPerm WebGIS database includes historical data from long-term Russian-German cooperation and recent field campaigns as well as environmental datasets that are freely available via the internet or research data repositories.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-141
Number of pages7
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2016

    Scopus subject areas

  • Oceanography

ID: 36887008